思路来源于文武双全的大帝,向大帝 salute!对大帝为了学术牺牲爱情的高尚行为致敬!
# 原问题
For finite choice set X, show that if there exists a choice function c(⋅) which satisfies finitely non-emptiness and choice coherence, there exists a utility function u:X→R such that c(A)={x∈A:u(x)≥u(y),∀y∈A} for ∀A⊆X.
# 一般证法
# 大帝证法
For the choice function:
which means that, after the correspondence of c(⋅), all the elements in AC(x∣B) (in fact the subsets of B) are containing x.
Lemma. ∥AC(x∣B)∥≤2k−1,k=∥B∥
Proof: For ∀x∈B, the number of subsets containg x is 2k−1. Then for ∀x∈B,A={C∈2B∣x∈C}, if x∈c(A),∀A, which means that for all subsets containing x, x is the chosen one. Thus the AC(x∣B) is identical to the family of all the sets containing x (they are all subsets of B), ∥AC(x∣B)∥=2k−1. If ∃x′∈B,∃A,x′∈/c(A), which means that there exists subsets containing x′, x′ is not the chosen one, so that ∥AC(x∣B)∥<2k−1.
Then define the utility function u(x):
u(x)=∥AC(x∣A)∥,for ∀x∈A,c(A)={x∈A∣u(x)≥u(y),∀y∈A}
Claim that
x∈c(A)⇔∥AC(x∣A)∥≥∥AC(y∣A)∥,for ∀y∈A.
("⇒") Without loss of generality, assume ∥A∥=k. Then from the Lemma ∀y∈A, ∥AC(y∣A)∥≤2k−1.
Meanwhile, x∈c(A) means that ∥AC(x∣A)∥=2k−1.
Thus ∥AC(x∣A)∥≥∥AC(y∣A)∥,for ∀y∈A holds.
("⇐") ∀S∈2A,S=∅, from the finintely nonemptiness of the choice function, c(S)=∅. Then c(A∖{x})=∅.
For ∀y∈c(A∖{x}), if y∈/c(A), by the finintely nonemptiness of the choice function, x∈c(A); if y∈c(A), by the choice coherence of the choice function, y is the chosen one in all subsets of A which are containg y, ∥AC(y∣A)∥=2k−1. We know that ∥AC(x∣A)∥≥∥AC(y∣A)∥,for ∀y∈A, then ∥AC(x∣A)∥=2k−1, which means that x is also the chosen one in all subsets of A which are containg x, thus x∈c(A).